Monday 12 May 2014

The Twinings Teapot Gallery.

During the last term of my first university year, I have been researching into tea and tea wares. The research I have collected has been used to create a 24 page, hand bound book. I gathered information from the Twinings Teapot Gallery, which is situated inside Norwich Castle Museum. The museum itself holds the largest collection of British ceramic teapots, over 3000 pots are based inside the museum.
I created a large series of development work, experimenting with many different mediums to see which worked best for the narrative I was trying to portray. I used etchings to create the basis of my illustrations for the final book, and added areas of paint and ink to make each piece different and more interesting. 

Here are some scanned images of my development work.
Free Machine Embroidery And Acrylic Paint.


Watercolour Painting.

Polystyrene Print. 

Lino Cut Print.

Etching With Ink Detail.

Lino Cut Print With Acrylic Paint Detail.

Series Of Dip Pen And Ink Drawings.

Failed Etchings.

Dip Pen And Ink With Watercolour Detail.

Carbon Paper Drawing.

Watercolour Paint With Floral Detail.

Patterned Collage With Black Ink.

Carbon Paper Drawings With Ink Detail.

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