Friday 26 September 2014

Dancing At Angles.

A few months ago, I was asked to pair up with a music event/night that happens every month in Norwich. I was asked to be the designer of the flyers for each night (every first friday of the month). This was very exciting for me as I have never had a chance to get together and create something (and so freely!). Each month so far I have come up with a completely different design idea for the flyers. I am also required to create the back of the flyer, this contains a quote for the month which is given to me by the promoter, address and details of the venue and a few links to pages at the bottom. Here are images of the flyers I have created so far, I'm looking forward to the coming months of flyer making, seeing what ideas I come up with and building a small portfolio.

Flyer 1, Front.
Flyer 1, Back.

Flyer 2, Front.
Flyer 2, Back.

Flyer 3, Front.
Flyer 3, Back.

Cactus Embroidered Tote Bag.

These photos show what is my second hand embroidered tote bag. I am a lot more pleased with the outcome of this bag, I feel it looks very clean and precise to how I had it planned. This bag was a lot more simple, it was a lot easier just to embroider sticking to one colour, I could continue to sew without having to change the colour for the next section. 

Tote Bag as a Whole.

Back Typography Detail.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Hand Embroidered Tote Bags.

Recently I have been experimenting with different ways of drawing and creating new pieces of work. This week I have been hand embroidering this tote bag, I thought for my first one I would stick with something smile that doesn't have any curves. This geometric shape is something I have drawn before and thought I would be comfortable working with in this format. I stuck with simple pastel colours and used a dark grey for the outline, making the whole shape stand out. 
I am currently thinking up more ideas for more tote bags, these will go onto my etsy store very shortly as on ofd's. each bag will be lined with an embroidery stabiliser so when you're putting things in and getting things out, there will be no chance of you snagging a thread and ruining the bag! 
If you like what you see and which for something a bit different to what I'm doing, don't hesitate to contact me for a custom order! Email me on

Close Up Of Embroidery.

Whole Embroidery Piece.

Finished Tote Bag.

Monday 7 July 2014

Early 20th Birthday.

On Friday I received this beautiful printing press in the post as an early 20th birthday present from my Dad. It's just a tad smaller than A3 but its perfect for what I will be using it for. Need to stock up on lino and polypropylene for making all the pretty prints! Will be looking into buying some plain tote bags to lino print onto in the near future too! 
In the last picture you can see the first etching I made using this press, so pleased with the result! 

Printing press, top view.

Printing press, side view.

First etching from my printing press.

Birthday Card.

It was my dads birthday the other week and I made him this A5 drawing and popped it on a plain card. Cards are boring and drawings you can take off the front are fun. 

Hannya: The Hannya mask portrays the souls of women who have become demons due to obsession or jealousy.

Hannya mask A5 drawing.